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Tea Bag Packing Machine Video
Publish:2018-01-17 By Diana

This is triangle tea packing machine video. From this video, you can see the packing process of triangle tea bag, here will also introduce some information about triangle tea bags.
What is the most popular, hottest bag made of tea? That must be the triangle tea bag, so everybody must be very concerned about the triangle tea bag packaging material, safe or not? The triangle tea bag processing environmental protection package adopts the environmental protection package imported from Japan, safe and degradable. These triangular tea bags are made of non-toxic, non-bacterial, heat-resistant and high-quality food packaging materials that have been tested by the state. Triangle tea bag is transparent, so that the original leaf can be seen and released more quickly.
Pyramid Tea Bag
Triangle tea bag is unique in that the three-dimensional transparent packaging can extend the space of the tea to a greater extent, and quickly release the tea aroma. The original leaf is visible and reassuring. Triangle tea bag compared with the ordinary tea bag filter paper packing, this kind of triangle tea bag in hot water after injection, make tea spread out quickly, can be repeatedly brewed, long bubble, tea is not easy to damage, resilient.
Triangle tea bag transparent mesh design make tea flavor more incisively and vividly displayed, let consumers can view appearance, smell the aroma, taste tea flavor, the raw taste like freshly brewed, make tea is no longer limited to the container, the triangle tea bag let you anytime, anywhere can enjoy the modern life more convenient.
The triangle tea bags are so popular, here introduce a developed tea packing machinery made by our company. Triangle tea bag packing machine is applicable to black tea, white tea, substitute tea, herbal tea, health tea, sweet tea, green tea, scented tea, coffee, Chinese tea, flower tea, particle, etc in the stereoscopic triangle bag packaging.
No.100 Shangdu Road, Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China
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